Walking Along The Thames

Created by Barbara 7 months ago

My family had the joy of having many summer visits with the Jones Family when they visited us in Seattle.  These were highlights for us and we have great memories.  In the past 10 years I've had the opportunity to visit Alison and the family several times.  London is important to my family because our Mum Madge was Alison's aunt. Mum was a Londoner who left as a war bride in '44.  However, Mum always remained very English! In February 2018 on a cold clear day, Alison and I walked along The Thames arm in arm and I was just beaming from ear to ear with gladness.  I was delighted to be in the city that meant so much to my Mum.  Alison understood the importance since Mum had passed a few years earlier.  However, I was with my lovely cousin and soon to meet up with my other lovely cousin, Glenda, for afternoon tea and a lot of Prosecco to follow.  What a grand day!

I visited Alison very recently and had a day in London by myself where again I walked for miles along The Thames.  That time I was thinking how grateful I am to have had such a wonderful cousin and friend in Alison. She will always be my reminder to choose more joy and have more "DOFs", Days of Fun.  Alison will be forever in my heart. 

-Barbara "BJ" Ross-Burns

Mukilteo, Washington